This film starts off with talking about how people in the 1950's spent their leisure time with television and hanging out with their families.
During this era, it talks about how in America their ideal imagine of what a family looked like was a father, mother, and several children.
There was never a mention about a lesbian or gay couples with children, which I find to be sad.
As well as African American couples with children to be as a family but only seemed to show those of white skin and consisted of a man and women couples.
What I do like though is that they advertise about couples staying together within their marriage and making it work.
They do not show couples who have split nor have any step parents. The ideal image is having two parents working hard in their marriages and raising their children together.
Do not get me wrong I do advocate for couples to get divorced when their marriage is unhealthy and they cannot fix it anymore or they think it is best for their children's sake to separate.
I just like the societal ideal marriage that they portray of a healthy and loving family that consists of loyalty.
Further on, the video talks about the average age men typically got married was around 23 years old. While women's age for marriage was around 20 years old during the 50's.
Married couples usually stayed together with only about 20 to 25% of marriages ending in divorce.
The husband of the family typically went to work while the wife stayed home and took care of the children.
I have to say it is quite shocking to hear that the man of the family went to work and how he afforded all expenses for the whole family on his one income.
Today, many people have to have two to three people in the household to be able to survive and to not be homeless on the streets.
I do like that they advertised that everyone in the 1950's valued family connections and spent time with them and put them first.
They did not have sick leave for women as many of them did not work and had their husbands to provide for them.
In all of this, the 1950's family dynamics are much better than ours in the year of 2021.
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